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Looking for Gynecology Doctors in Qatar? Our comprehensive directory, Qatar Health And Medical Directory will provide you with complete information about all Gynecology Doctors in Qatar. To make your search about Gynecology Doctors in Qatar quicker and easier, you may filter by category or by keyword to suit your requirement. To expand or narrow your search, make sure to enter the right keywords or choose a specific category. Gynecology Doctor in Qatar is a doctor who specializes in everything related to women’s reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth. Gynecology Doctors in Qatar can screen for diseases such as breast cancer and cervical cancer as well as treat health issues including sexually transmitted infections, menstrual issues, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fertility and more. Gynecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems (vagina, uterus, and ovaries) and the breasts. Literally, outside medicine, the term means "the science of women". Its counterpart is andrology, which deals with medical issues specific to the male reproductive system. As in all of medicine, the main tools of diagnosis are clinical history and examination. Gynaecological examination is quite intimate, more so than a routine physical exam. It also requires unique instrumentation such as the speculum. The speculum consists of two hinged blades of concave metal or plastic which are used to retract the tissues of the vagina and permit examination of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus located within the upper portion of the vagina. Gynaecologists typically do a bimanual examination (one hand on the abdomen and one or two fingers in the vagina) to palpate the cervix, uterus, ovaries and bony pelvis. It is not uncommon to do a rectovaginal examination for complete evaluation of the pelvis, particularly if any suspicious masses are appreciated. Male gynecologists may have a female chaperone for their examination. An abdominal and/or vaginal ultrasound can be used to confirm any abnormalities appreciated with the bimanual examination or when indicated by the patient's history. Here at Qatar Health And Medical Directory, you can easily access the best and expert Gynecology Doctors in Qatar. Read about their experience & professional expertise and choose the best Gynecology Doctors in Qatar. For your contact Gynecology Doctors in Qatar are acknowledged and recognized for their professional experience that they have been practicing for health care of families. You will find the contact details, address and location, reviews of top & best Gynecology Doctors in Qatar. Gynecology Doctors in Qatar Provide high quality, comprehensive healthcare for you and your and tomorrow.
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- Ministry of Public Health in Qatar
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